Conventional medicine or would you prefer alternative therapies?
Once you have been diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer, life changes completely for many. The shock runs deep and desperation takes over. For many people, cancer means death. But that’s not the case anymore, and there’s a lot you can do yourself to prevent this image from immediately coming to mind. The question arises, conventional medicine or alternative therapies?
Conventional medicine has also made progress in this area and there are also alternative methods to find a way out of this dilemma. With the diagnosis recognized early, one has a very good chance of defeating this disease today. It is probably important that you go to the preventive medical check-up at an early stage. If the disease is recognized early, there are many ways to counteract it. It is up to each individual to decide whether they want to be treated using conventional medicine or prefer to turn to an alternative method.
Conventional medicine or alternative treatment?
As already mentioned, this decision is a very personal matter and everyone must have the opportunity to make their own decisions. Depending on the type of cancer , clinical condition, type of tumor, age and stage of the cancer, one or the other treatment method may be the right one. Here we only deal with the alternative method, while your doctor explains the conventional medical aspects to you. If you should decide on an alternative cancer therapy , you should first of all inform yourself very well. Today, thanks to the internet, this is very easy to do. But please also be critical, because not every website provides correct and well-founded information. So extensive research is required on your part. What is certain is that vitamin C can certainly help, but please do not be naïve and do not believe that simply taking vitamin C is enough to beat cancer. This is definitely wrong! Vitamin C, or liposomal vitamin C, is just one (albeit an important) part of this regimen. In such a therapy, however, great importance is attached to a special diet. Raw food, Gerson therapy and sugar regulation are the most important components next to vitamin C. Taking vitamin C alone will hardly be effective enough for a tumor!
Take your life into your own hands
Please say goodbye to the idea that you can simply hand over responsibility for your condition to your doctor. With an attitude “ the doctor will fix it then ” you are wrong. Alternative treatment can only be successful if you take care of your problem yourself, are interested and communicate with your own body. Learn what your own body is telling you. Try to be one with your body. This is not easy at first, because you may have lived as if your body were disconnected from your mind. However, our mind and body form a unit and they should be evaluated as such. Meditation and the inner attitude play a very important role in alternative cancer therapy! If you cannot bring these two aspects together on your own, you should seek help from a therapist. Become one with your illness, because in this state it belongs to you. It is not separate from you. Many illnesses only indicate that something is wrong inside you. It is precisely this disparity that you should try to find out. This is why communication with your body is so important.
where to start
Start educating yourself about your illness. Try to get an idea. If you find it difficult to communicate or mediate, seek the help of a therapist. As soon as you “ get closer ” or even connect to your body, many things will become easier and you will instinctively take the right path. Your decision as to how to be treated (or how to treat yourself) will then become clearer and clearer to you. With every step you then take to tackle your disease, you will be reaffirmed by your feedback. You will instinctively know what is good for you. Since every person reacts differently to a situation, the results are also different. This is good for one person, while it cannot be of any use to the other. Let yourself be guided from within and try to find out what is good for you.