On the Internet and especially on YouTube, you can read and see how you can produce liposomal vitamin C yourself . Here we show and explain that and why it is impossible to make such a product yourself.
The prerequisites for producing liposomal vitamin C yourself
Producing liposomal vitamin C yourself is almost impossible for the layperson. To produce a truly liposomal product requires a nanotechnology process. What does that mean now?
Nano stands for nanometers (nm). A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter = 0.000 001 mm, i.e. 1 million times smaller than a millimeter. The scale relevant to us is 1-100 nm. Objects of this size cannot be seen with the naked eye or with a light microscope; you need an electron microscope for that.
One can therefore only speak of a nano product if it can show a main fraction of 1-250 nm, which, as you can see, is actually true according to our quality guarantee.
Size Scale Comparison
1 meter
Micrometers (bacteria mostly move around 10-50 µm[Mikrometer] , but can be up to 700 µm)
Nanometer 1 nanometer is a millionth part of a millimeter (viruses move around 50 nm but can go up to 400 nm[Nanometer] measure up)
Video explanation by Dr. Donsbach on the particle size. In this video, Dr. Donsbach how small this has to be in order to achieve its full bioavailability. (German subtitles)
This video has German subtitles
You can find more and very interesting videos about the effects of vitamin C in patients (but in English) on our video page
particle size
If these particles are larger than 250 nm, they cannot be optimally absorbed by the intestinal villi and are excreted again through the intestine. The bioavailability is therefore no longer given.
Some readers may now realize what the terms bioavailability and particle size are all about, and how important it is to purchase a real nanoproduct. Because only a liposome in the required small size in the nano range mentioned can dock onto the cell in order to deliver its contents to it. Only a nano product offers the health benefits of the liposomal form in addition to being easy to take.
YouTube Information Ultrasonic Cleaner
Let’s get back to the Internet or YouTube information, where so-called ultrasonic cleaners are used to produce liposomal vitamin C yourself. It is actually possible to use ultrasound to reduce the size of particles. However, no ultrasonic cleaner can do that, no matter how powerful it is. It’s not made for that at all, because it’s supposed to clean glasses, jewellery, cutlery, tools, etc. and not shred particles. As the name suggests, it is an ultrasoniccleaner . The metal vessel of such an ultrasonic cleaner would be shredded and dissolved into its components by the enormous energy it takes to reach such nanoparticles!
In addition, ultrasonic cleaners work with a frequency of mostly 40-50 KHz, which is useless for liposomal production. This requires 20 kHz. Read more about the production of liposomal vitamin C here.
particle measurement
Everyone is of course free to doubt our information and statements. You can only be sure if you subject your self-made ‘liposomal’ drink to a particle measurement. This is done, for example, by the company Microtrac.com in Germany, where we also constantly have our products checked. These particle measurements with laser technology in turn require special and expensive equipment and the associated expertise, which we lack ourselves. If you produce liposomal(?) vitamin C yourself and don’t want to lie to yourself and are critical, then the above address is just right for you.
Producing liposomal vitamin C yourself requires that you have the necessary machines, laboratory equipment and the necessary specialist knowledge. The financial investment is also not very small, even if you produce with laboratory equipment and small quantities at home. So you need special machines and materials that can withstand enormous vibrations and forces. A special generator generates these frequencies with a power of approx. 3000 watts, which is delivered to the liquid in highly concentrated form by a so-called sonotrode with a diameter of just 3-4 cm.
These machines are very complex. Part of the energy released is converted into heat, which requires a suitable cooling system. Lecithin does not tolerate high heat because it is a lipid. You also need pumps, valves and special pressure vessels to get the right consistency and shelf life. Endlessly long chrome steel lines and pressure regulators complement the equipment.
The sonotrode is the end piece of such an apparatus and it fulfills the purpose of comminuting the medium. It is she who absorbs the high vibrational energy and delivers it to the medium (in our case the “pre-liposomal” mixture. This actual head of the ultrasound system is made of first-class titanium , because no other material can withstand these large bundled energies. Nevertheless, these hard titanium sonotrodes are very soon punctured and have to be replaced frequently. At the tip of this sonotrode, cavitation speeds of over 1000 km/h are at work! This gives an idea of the enormous forces acting on the liquid! So it should be clear that real liposomal vitamin C is not that easy to produce yourself.
The use of the sonotrode is accompanied by an enormously loud, penetrating whistle at a very high frequency. Working with such an apparatus at home would probably attract the police and fire brigade… In addition, a sonotrode with a generator and converter with this output costs around EUR 19,000 and can be obtained from Hielscher Ultrasonic in Germany .
What now?
.We are completely open here and want to give the private and aspiring interested “liposomal manufacturer” a clean break. That’s why we don’t shy away from informing you about the relevant companies in our links.
Please do not be fooled by the videos and instructions on the internet. At the latest when you have your “liposomal vitamin C” manufactured according to the instructions on the Internet tested, you will see that all the financial effort (mixer, ultrasonic cleaner, lecithin and vitamin C) was not worth it. Even if you were given these paraphernalia as a gift…you can’t actually make nano-based liposomal vitamin C with them.
What you get with these internet guides is a simple, emulsion-like substance with vitamin C, lecithin, and water. But never a liposomal product . You could cover your vitamin C needs much better and, above all, much cheaper with the appropriate vitamin C tablets or capsules without soiling your good kitchen.