Cholesterol, Heart Attack, Stroke

Cholesterol, Vitamin C, Heart Attack, Stroke, Liposomal Vitamin C

Our topic here is high cholesterol and heart attack stroke, and what role liposomal vitamin C plays in this.
As with our topic “Autoimmune disease Lupus SLE”, we are also talking about the treatment of symptoms , which conventional medicine still likes to fall into today.
Conventional medicine still considers high cholesterol to be the main cause of a heart attack or stroke. In our opinion, it is very questionable whether this is true, and many scientific studies now agree with us.

Is cholesterol the real culprit in stroke and heart attack?

Herzinfarkt vielleicht Mangel an vitamin C ? Let’s focus on the following fact: Over 80% of cholesterol (especially the “bad” LDL ) is produced by our liver itself. Another organ that consumes LDL fats is our brain itself.
In contrast, conventional medicine explains to us that we suffer from high cholesterol if the value is over 200 and that this increases the risk of a heart attack, but can also be responsible for a stroke.
In other words, our organism tempts us to take this risk, since most of the LDL is produced by itself. So isn’t nature and our self-preservation system smart enough to recognize such a danger?

conventional medicine

With all due respect, this sounds a lot like arrogance and ignorance. But let’s take a closer look at the path of conventional medicine to understand this claim.

It was found in autopsies of heart attacks and strokes in various cases that the affected arteries were clogged with these fats. This is actually undeniable. The question arises here, why these fats (LDL) behave in this way resp. why your own organism produces so much LDL, which eventually leads to death.
Does our own organism want to kill us? So can’t our own self-preservation system protect us from this danger? Does nature fail and lead us to self-destruction? That can hardly be the case!

Why do we produce so much cholesterol (LDL) ourselves?

The question of why our organism produces too much of this LDL must interest us if we want to continue to respect nature. It can be safely assumed that our body wants to (and can) protect us from all dangers, just as it has been doing for millions of years.
Mikroskopisch kleine Artrienverletzungen durch spröde Arterien The first thing to remember is that the arteries mentioned have a problem functioning properly. Our body tries to compensate for this. If these arteries have become brittle over time and show micro-injuries, our body tries to remedy this deficiency. The best way to do this is LDL. This is how our organism tries to plug these injuries. As a result, he produces more LDL. The problem with this is that until the cause of these arterial injuries is addressed, our bodies can not heal these micro-injuries.

Brittle artery walls

In order to counteract this drying out of the artery walls (brittleness), we need a lot of vitamin C. If our vitamin C balance is too low, our arteries cannot recover from these micro-injuries and since the human organism cannot produce vitamin C itself, it must be supplied.
If a blood test reveals that the LDL (cholesterol) level in the blood is too high, statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) are prescribed immediately. Statins are one of the drug industry’s top revenue streams.
Here a symptom is fought, but not the cause of the evil.

So, to make the arteries supple again, we need vitamin C. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that a short dose of vitamin C will fix the problem. Such a regimen works slowly, just as the arteries have not become brittle in a month.
Here is a patient report on cholesterol, heart attack and the effects of liposomal vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C, cerebral infarction and heart attack

In principle, a cerebral infarction is not significantly different from a heart attack. In both cases, the blood supply is disturbed by possible fat blockages. In both cases, the result is usually dramatic. It should therefore be a matter of course for everyone to take certain precautions. An MRA examination with a contrast agent gives a good insight into the condition of the arteries.

MRA examination

MRA Untersuchung Hirnarterien However, this examination is not painful and, as mentioned, can tell a lot about the health of your blood vessels. Based on the result, you can then start with a vitamin C therapy. Then get enough vitamin C on a daily basis; liposomal vitamin C is best suited for this purpose. Depending on the impairment of the arteries, we therefore recommend taking 4-8 g of vitamin C per day. After a year, we advise a repeat MRA examination to see how much improvement has occurred.
But one thing should be clear: A cerebral infarction (stroke) or a heart attack is always a drastic experience and, depending on the degree, also fatal. It is probably clear and needless to say that a relevant precaution is worthwhile in any case.

More information about atherosclerosis and the effects of vitamin C.

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